Monday, May 26, 2008


No matter how long I have been doing this I still have attacks. There is nothing satan would like better than to derail me in this area and to destroy my testimony. My motive is to glorify God in this.
I weighed at the Doctors office and weighed the same as I did about a year ago during my last visit. I was so happy. I can really trust God with my body.
Then I started focusing on food, overeating, and getting a little too relaxed in this area.
Our Pastor Doug gave a sermon that after success is when we really need to be aware. Help me Lord to not give into temptation.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

who we are in Him

I love the workbooks! I am on week 3 which has lessons about who we are in Christ. I am a new creation. I am a brand new person. The old has gone the new has come. I am valuable and precious. Jesus loves me just as I am. He died for my sins. Past present and future sins.
Oh God, if only we could catch just a glimpse of your love. I pray for a great revelation of your love. Of how deep and wide and great your love is. Help us to know you better and to see how good you are.
Thank you for loving us.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I usually only weigh once a month. It had been close to a month and I had access to scales so weighed today. I was pleased that I am still maintaining. I give God the Glory.
The scales really aren't that necessary. I can tell by the way my clothes fit and just by the way I feel about what I weigh.
I also know that if I truly try to put God first, pay attention to my body signals, and only eat 0 to 5 or between hunger and fullness, I will maintain this weight.
I am having 1Cor. 6 verses 19 and 20 as my memory verse this week as I go through TW workbook number one.
These verses speak of our body being the Temple of the Holy Ghost and to therefore honor God with our bodies.
I have spent a lot of time in tears repenting for the ways I have defiled my Temple. It is really God's. He created me. To think of the smoking, drinking, overeating, undereating, purging, binging. How sad these things must make Him. I truly want to glorify Him and to care for any precious gift He has given me.
Forgive me Father.

Monday, May 5, 2008


I enjoyed reading the last chapter of Thin Again today. The essence of the chapter is that quiet and silence are needed in order to hear from God.
We discussed that listening to God and obeying are more important than asking for so much so often.
One woman suggested we meditate and pray on scripture and ask God what He wants to show us through that scripture and then listen.
Another way is to meditate on the attributes of God. For example, Healer, Redeemer, Provider, Protector.
In Thin Within we need to get quiet before we can read our body signals of hunger and satisfaction. The environment needs to be calm and quiet so we can taste and enjoy our food and have it digest properly.
God will guide and direct our eating and every other area of our lives.