Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I usually only weigh once a month. It had been close to a month and I had access to scales so weighed today. I was pleased that I am still maintaining. I give God the Glory.
The scales really aren't that necessary. I can tell by the way my clothes fit and just by the way I feel about what I weigh.
I also know that if I truly try to put God first, pay attention to my body signals, and only eat 0 to 5 or between hunger and fullness, I will maintain this weight.
I am having 1Cor. 6 verses 19 and 20 as my memory verse this week as I go through TW workbook number one.
These verses speak of our body being the Temple of the Holy Ghost and to therefore honor God with our bodies.
I have spent a lot of time in tears repenting for the ways I have defiled my Temple. It is really God's. He created me. To think of the smoking, drinking, overeating, undereating, purging, binging. How sad these things must make Him. I truly want to glorify Him and to care for any precious gift He has given me.
Forgive me Father.

1 comment:

Christina said...

I have also been challenged to mostly focus on 0-5 eating as my reflection of success rather then entirely focussing on a # on the scale. It's tough to balance at times however.

I hope you're okay with me putting a link on my page http://mythinwithinjourney.blogspot.com/. Let me know if that is a problem!