Monday, June 2, 2008


As I have submitted to the grieving process and allowed God and others to remove the graveclothes from me I am seeing victory in my life.
In May I attended my allschool alumni banquet as well as my class reunion.
Due to the pain of my past I had felt unable to go to the alumni banquet for years and had never gone to a class reunion.
As I speak openly about the pain of my past and grieve and allow others to help with this unwrapping, I am able to remember good times in the past. When I refused to face the ugly I also blocked out the good. I was able to visit with and enjoy these people at both occasions.
I was able to focus on relationship instead of food. At one time I would have buried my face in the food if I did go to keep from connecting.


Heidi Bylsma said...

Wow! What a wonderful testimony to God's power in your life! Thank you for sharing this!

Christina said...

Praise God! That is a powerful testimony:-)

Paula said...

Praise God!! That's incredible.